Restaurant Analytics Software

Make smarter business decisions with real-time restaurant analytics

Unlock your restaurant’s potential with data-driven insights and informed decisions using Restroworks’ restaurant analytics software.

Cafe staff using restaurant analytics app

Trusted by 20,000+ restaurants globally

Gain data-driven insights to boost your profits


Faster implementation & migration

Herfy Logo

Cost saving in inventory control

Nandos Logo

Improvement in operational efficiency 

Foodquest Logo

Jump in

customer satisfaction

Tresind Logo

Why leading restaurants are moving to Restroworks

Live analysis

Identify high-yield sections and enhance operational efficiency.
Graphical representation of Partner wise reporting image

Total revenue insights

Track revenue, orders, and rejections to optimize your restaurant's performance.
Graphical representation of Revenue Insights

Analytics dashboard

Get data-driven insights to unlock trends, streamline operations, and boost profits.
View of the Restroworks Analytics Dashboard

Focused sales evaluation

Monitor deployment, sales, and aggregator data to optimize restaurant revenue.
Graphical representation of Focused Sales Evaluation

Historical data comparison

Track trends and item sales across multiple stores with historical data comparison.
Graphical representation of the Historical Data comparison

Integrate with tools of your choice

400+ Global integrations at your fingertips.

Ready to transform your restaurant? Request a Restroworks demo!

Industry Rating

Restroworks is the
leading enterprise restaurant management software, empowering businesses to improve efficiency and focus on what matters the most: serving great food.
Illustration of three distinct leaves

Ease of Use

Easy to use, powerful restaurant management software.

(8.9 industry avg)
Source: G2

Quality of Support

Enterprise-grade support, tailored to your business needs.

(8.4 industry avg)   
Source: G2

Ease of Setup

Restroworks is easy to implement and use, even for the most complex restaurant operations.

(8.8 industry avg)   
Source: G2

Google Hangouts Logo

No matter where I am in the world, I don’t have to call anyone to get the real-time updates on stock inventory anymore. The managers on my team, and I are always on top of our operations. We have elevated customer experience and operations at Sbarro with this information.

Sbarro Logo
Akshay Balwani

Director of Business Development,
Upper Crust Foods Pvt. Ltd.

Format Icon
Quick Service
Outlets Icon
Coffee Leaves

With Restroworks you get

Live analytics

Review multiple outlets' performance in real-time, using insightful parameters for informed decision-making.

Historical analysis

Gain deeper insights into your restaurant's growth trends and historical data analysis to make strategic choices.

Intuitive analysis parameters

Measure your same-store sales growth and same-store order growth to evaluate true profitability.

Item journey tracking

Discover the life cycle of your items, from production costs to profit.

Rejection reason bifurcation

Get detailed breakdown of rejection reasons for aggregators only.

Restroworks has a wide range of additional
capabilities, designed to meet your every need.

Restaurant staff operating POS System

Restaurant POS

Elevate your kitchen efficiency with Real-Time KDS for error-free, prompt service

Restaurant Staff inspecting the inventory manually

Inventory Management

Enhance your inventory control, reduce waste and boost profits through real-time insights.

Customer scanning QR code at a restaurant to place order from mobile phone

QR Ordering

Scan a QR code for menu, orders, and seamless dining linked with your POS system.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Restroworks Restaurant Analytics software?

Restroworks Restaurant Analytics software is a cloud-based platform that provides restaurants with comprehensive insights into their business performance. It tracks a wide range of metrics, including revenue, orders, rejections, deployment performance, daily sales trends, and aggregator performance. This data is then presented in a user-friendly dashboard that makes it easy for restaurant owners and managers to identify trends, streamline operations, and boost profits.

What are the benefits of using Restroworks Restaurant Analytics software?

With data-driven insights into key metrics such as revenue, orders, rejections, deployment performance, daily sales trends, and aggregator performance, restaurant owners and managers can:


  • Identify their most profitable sections and optimize inventory levels to maximize revenue and reduce costs.
  • Staff their restaurants appropriately to meet customer demand and reduce labor costs.
  • Reduce food waste by tracking trends and identifying areas for improvement.
  • Deliver a better customer experience by identifying areas where they can improve their operations.

How does Restroworks Restaurant Analytics software work?

Restroworks Restaurant Analytics software works by collecting data from a variety of sources, such as POS systems, online ordering platforms, and customer surveys. This data is then processed and analyzed to generate insights into the restaurant’s business performance. The insights are then presented in a user-friendly dashboard that makes it easy for restaurant owners and managers to view and understand the data.

How much does Restroworks Restaurant Analytics software cost?

The cost of Restroworks Restaurant Analytics software depends on the size of the restaurant and the number of features that are required. However, most restaurants find that the software is affordable and that it pays for itself within a short period of time through the savings it generates.

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